GRI SRS Content Index102-55
Indicator |
Value |
Omissions, explanation |
GRI 102: General Disclosures (2016) |
Organisational profile |
102-1 | Name of the organization | |
102-2 | Activities, brands, products, and services | |
102-3 | Location of headquarters | |
102-4 | Location of operations | |
102-5 | Ownership and legal form | |
102-6 | Markets served | |
102-7 | Scale of the organisation | |
102-8 | Information on employees and other workers | |
102-9 | Supply chain | |
102-10 | Significant changes to the organisation and its supply chain | |
102-11 | Precautionary Principle or approach | The company uses the precautionary principle, especially in health, safety and environmental areas. This principle is applied in the risk management process |
102-12 | External initiatives | |
102-13 | Membership of associations | |
Strategy |
102-14 | Statement from senior decision-maker | |
102-15 | Key impacts, risks, and opportunities | |
Ethics and integrity |
102-16 | Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour | |
102-17 | Mechanisms for advice and concerns about unethical or illegal behavior | |
Corporate governance |
102-18 | Governance structure | |
102-19 | Delegating authority | |
102-20 | Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics | |
102-21 | Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics | |
102-22 | Composition of the highest governance body and its committees | |
102-23 | Chair of the highest governance body | |
102-24 | Nominating and selecting the highest governance body and its committees | |
102-26 | Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values, and strategy | |
102-28 | Evaluating the highest governance body’s performance | |
102-29 | Identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social impacts | |
102-30 | Effectiveness of risk management processes | |
102-31 | Review of economic, environmental, and social topics | The annual report of Unipro PJSC including sustainability data is approved by the resolution of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (previously approved by the Board of Directors) |
102-32 | Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting | 2, The annual report of Unipro PJSC including sustainability data is approved by the resolution of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (previously approved by the Board of Directors) |
102-33 | Communicating critical concerns | |
102-35 | Remuneration policies | |
Stakeholder engagement |
102-40 | List of stakeholder groups | |
102-41 | Collective bargaining agreements | |
102-42 | Identifying and selecting stakeholders | |
102-43 | Approach to stakeholder engagement | |
Reporting practice |
102-45 | Entities included in the consolidated financial statements | |
102-46 | Defining report content and topic boundaries | |
102-47 | List of material topics | |
102-48 | Restatements of information | |
102-49 | Changes in reporting | |
102-50 | Reporting period | Financial year from 01 January 2020 till 31 December 2020 |
102-51 | Date of most recent report | 30 April 2019 |
102-52 | Reporting cycle | Annual |
102-53 | Contact point for questions regarding the report | |
102-54 | Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards | Core |
102-55 | GRI content index | |
GRI 103: : Management Approach (2016) |
103-1 | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | |
103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | |
GRI 201: Economic performance (2016) |
201-3 | Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans | |
GRI 202: Market Presence (2016) |
202-1 | Ratio of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage | |
GRI 203: Indirect economic impacts (2016) |
203-1 | Significant indirect economic impacts | |
203-2 | Infrastructure investments and services supported | |
GRI 205: Anti-corruption (2016) |
205-2 | Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures | |
205-3 | Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken | |
GRI 302: Energy (2016) |
302-3 | Energy intensity | |
302-4 | Reduction of energy consumption | |
GRI 303: Water and Effluents (2018) |
303-2 | Management of water discharge-related impacts | |
303-5 | Water consumption | |
GRI 304: Biodiversity (2016) |
304-2 | Significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity | |
GRI 305: Emissions (2016) |
305-1 | Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions | |
305-2 | Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions | The Company does not keep records of indirect GHG emissions. |
305-7 | Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions | |
GRI 306: : Effluents and waste (2016) |
306-2 | Waste by type and disposal method | |
306-4 | Transport of hazardous waste | The Company does not transport, import, export or process hazardous waste in accordance with Annexes I, II, III and VIII of the Basel Convention |
GRI 401: : Employment (2016) |
401-1 | New employee hires and employee turnover | |
401-2 | Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees | |
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety (2018) |
403-1 | Worker training on occupational health and safety | |
403-2 | Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation | |
403-3 | Occupational health services | |
403-4 | Promotion of worker health | |
403-5 | Worker training on occupational health and safety | |
403-6 | Promotion of worker health | |
403-9 | Work-related injuries | |
403-10 | Work-related ill health | |
GRI 404: Training and Education (2016) |
404-1 | Average hours of training per year per employee | |
404-2 | Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs | |
404-3 | Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews | |
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity (2016) |
405-1 | Diversity of governance bodies and employees | |
GRI 407: Freedom of association and collective bargaining (2016) |
407-1 | Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk | |
Standard elements of an industrial application for the electric power industry |
EU1 | Installed capacity | |
EU2 | Net energy output, broken down by primary energy source and by regulatory regime | |
EU15 | Percentage of employees eligible to retire in the next 5 and 10 years broken. down by job category and by region | |
EU25 | Number of injuries and fatalities to the public involving company assets, including legal judgments, settlements and pending legal cases of diseases | |
Specific material topics relevant to Unipro |
Enhancing shareholder value |
103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
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Market capitalisation |
Efficiency of the procurement activities |
103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
- |
Percentage of purchases from SME |
- |
Percentage of purchases from local suppliers |
Modernisation of production assets, performance improvement |
103-2 | The management approach and its components | |
- |
Retooling and modernization program progress |
- |
Capital investments made as part of the investment program and repair activities |
Compliance with laws |
103-2 | The management approach and its components |