Information on the Report
The Annual Report of Unipro Public Joint Stock Company (hereinafter Unipro PJSC, Unipro, the Company) for 2020 is the fifth annual report prepared by the Company and intended for a wide range of stakeholders. The Report contains the key results of Unipro PJSC for 2020 in the field of strategic and corporate governance, the operational and financial performance and information on sustainability. 102-50
In preparing the Report, the following documents were used:
- Federal Law On Joint Stock Companies No. 208-FZ dated 26 December 1995 (as it reads now);
- Regulation on the Information Disclosure by Issuers of Equity Securities (as approved by the Bank of Russia under No. 454-P on 30 December 2014);
- Letter of the Central Bank of Russia On the Corporate Governance Code No. 06-52/2463 dated 10 April 2014;
- Letter of the Central Bank of Russia On Disclosure in an Annual Report of a Public Joint Stock Company of a Report on Compliance with Principles and Recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code No. IN-06-52/8 dated 17 February 2017;
- UN Global Compact Principles;
- Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards (hereinafter the GRI SRS);
- GRI Sector Supplement for Energy Companies (hereinafter the GRI G4— EU);
- International АА1000 Stakeholders Engagement Standard (AA1000SES)
- In-house regulations of Unipro PJSC.
The report was prepared for the first time and complies with the Basic level of application of the Sustainability Reporting Standards GRI SRS. 102-54
The content of this Report was determined in accordance with the requirements of applicable rules and standards, among other things, with the involvement of Unipro stakeholders. For details of the process for determining the content and assessing material subjects please see the Sustainability chapter. 102-46
In 2020, there were no major changes in the extent, structure of Unipro activities, changes in the wording and fundamental changes in the calculation of indicators that could affect the comparative assessments of the key performance indicators of the Company as compared to the previous annual report. If there are any additional comments to the calculation of indicators, they are set forth in the text of the report as a footnote. 102-49102-10
The top management representative in charge of preparing the Report is the Director for Corporate Governance, Legal and Property of Unipro PJSC. 102-32