Unipro PJSC
Annual Report for 2020


UN Global Compact

A major global initiative to assert global corporate citizenship. The Global Compact provides business communities with a framework to adapt their activities and strategies to the 10 universally recognised principles in the spheres of human rights, employment relations, environmental protection and combatting corruption


Individuals, entities, or communities that may affect the Company’s activities or may be affected by the Company’s activities, products or services

Ash-Disposal Area

Place for the collection and natural disposal of ash and slag generated by the operation of a heat power plant

Corporate volunteering

Voluntary involvement of employees in various social programmes supported by their companies

Minority Shareholder

A company shareholder (either an individual or a legal entity) whose participatory interest is not sufficient to enable such shareholder to be directly involved in governance of the company (e.g., appointment of the board of directors). Such an interest is called a “minority” interest

Wholesale Electricity (Capacity) Market

A market for specific goods – electricity and electric generating capacity – as part of Russia’s United Energy System within the unified economic space of the Russian Federation, involving major producers and major purchasers of electricity and capacity, as well as other agents with the status of wholesale market entities, acting in compliance with the Rules of the Wholesale Market, which have been approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law, “On the Electric Power Industry”. The criteria for designating producers and purchasers of electricity as major producers and major purchasers are established by the Government of the Russian Federation

Net Output

Electricity and heat that has been generated and paid for by consumers

Regulated Contracts

Electricity and/or capacity purchase contracts between the supplier and the purchaser when prices are set in accordance with the electricity and/or capacity tariffs of the Federal Tariff Service (FTS)

Day-Ahead Market

Competitive selection of supplier and purchaser price bids a day ahead of the actual electricity supply, involving the setting of supply prices and volume at every hour of the next day

System Reliability Market (System Services Market)

An organised market that ensures incentives for maintaining and developing power generating equipment (including equipment with specific optional features) as part of Russia’s United Energy System

Free Bilateral Contracts

Electricity purchase contracts between a supplier and a purchaser when prices are set by agreement between the parties


Five work spheres with the highest risk of severe injury or fatality:

  • hoisting operations;
  • work inside electrical installations;
  • work in confined spaces;
  • work at heights;
  • work involving fire hazards
Installed capacity

Total nominal operational capacity of generator units at Company power plants

Sustainable development/ sustainability

System of economic, environmental, and social activities implemented in cooperation with stakeholders and aimed at better management of risks, long-term improvement of the Company’s image and business reputation, and increase of its capitalisation and competitiveness

Cold Reserve

Operational capacity of standby generating equipment (serviceable generating equipment that is available for start-up at any time but is not operated simultaneously with main equipment)